Bread and butter pudding

This is what took me back to Winchester over the weekend.

The best bread and butter pudding Chichester

Only to discover that it is no longer on the menu. After a three hour bus ride, it was a bit of a disappointment. Despite which the Black Boy pub is still worth a visit.

Although I doubt it will involve a special outing by bus next time.

Pubs in the South of England

Best English pubs

Old wooden tables and a quirky collection of the oddest artefacts and bric-a-brac. Four squirrels playing pool in a glass case, a couple of squash rackets mounted on the wall and shelves of books. Not quite a library, nor a museum but definitely a pub worth exploring.

Pub bric-a-brac

Pity about the pudding.

Thai festival

The Thai Festival in Chichester will take place on the weekend 25th and 26th June.Thai Festival in Chichester

It will be held at Oaklands Park next to the University and Festival Theatre.

food stalls Chichester

With food stalls offering a range of exotic street food that make it difficult to decide where to start.

Thai food products and ingredients Chichester

Traditional Thai massage

Traditional Thai Massage West Sussex

Entertainment including Thai dancing, live music and a jumping castle for the kids.

Traditional Thai dancers in the UK

Thai festival in Chichester

Wine tasting

More in Hampshire than it is in West Sussex. Yet despite the anomaly of being half in and half out, Emsworth is definitely Chichester Harbour. A quaint South Coast village that has retained its charm and home to one of the few independent wine shops in West Sussex.

Vin Wine Merchants offer wine courses, free in-store tastings, corporate and private events as well as vineyard tours in the UK and throughout Europe

Wine shops in West Sussex and Hampshire

They can be found around the corner and are just hard enough to find to be unusual and interesting.

Housed in a listed building dating back to the seventeen hundreds, they stock a range of wines from all over the world along with our tasting room where we hold all our courses and tasting events. With original wooden floors throughout and old fruit crates for the shelving it’s like stepping back in time to the wine merchants of yesteryear, adding to the whole experience.

Brazilian food

I watched the Brazil vs Belgium game at the house of a friend. But it wasn’t just the football that made it a memorable evening.

Brazilian food Chichester

It was Gabriel’s piri-piri sauce that brought back memories of days in Beira and the Hut in Long St.

We started the game with crispy onion rings liberally drizzled with the piri-piri sauce. Then onto carne assada (roast beef) and crispy belly of pork accompanied by a fresh salad and once again lashings of peri-peri sauce.

Portuguese piri-piri sauce Chichester

An evening which took me off to both Portsmouth and Brighton in a search for the Brazilian restaurant which will serve as a fitting substitute for that authentic Thai meal, I well know, I will never find.

Breakfast – where to go

I used to do breakfast at Lakes Traditional English Cafe.

Best brunch in Chichester

But they have sold and the shop is being refurbished. Stuck for choice, I eventually ended up in the other end of town, at Charlie Harpers.

I didn’t feel like a traditional breakfast and decided on the Black Pudding Hash.  Something I will do again as it was that good. They also offer Rooibos.